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Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, let the camera capture our happy moments, for an everlasting memory !


The San Diego Chinese American Association (SD-CAA) is holding a Mid-Autumn Festival photo and video contest. We sincerely invite everyone to join! Gather your family together, enjoy the happy moments and the beautiful scenery of good times, capture them with pictures and short videos, and share them with us.


The competition will have two groups: a student group and an adult group. For the picture competition, the following awards are available:

  • One Gold Award: $100
  • One Silver Award: $50
  • Three Bronze Awards: $25 each

 All prizes will be distributed in the form of an Amazon Gift Card.

 For the short video competition, the same awards as the picture competition will be distributed:

  • One Gold Award: $100
  • One Silver Award: $50
  • Three Bronze Awards: $25 each

All winners will also receive electronic certificates, and those certificates are going to be displayed on the official website of SD-CAA along with his/her excellent works.

To Participate:

All residents of San Diego County are welcome to submit works. The works must be original pictures or videos that have not been published. Pictures must be in jpg/jpeg format, either black-and-white or color, with resolution between 2-5Mb (about 2000 x 1500 px). Videos must be in mp4 format, less than 100MB in size, and be no more than 1 minute long. All works can only be adjusted and trimmed for brightness, contrast, and color saturation, without adding borders, watermarks, signatures, etc., and no technical processing such as merging or adding image elements is allowed. Each participant can submit no more than two pictures and one video.

When submitting your works, please provide your contact information (name, contact phone number, WeChat id or email address) and a brief introduction to the submitted work (time, location, and background of the shooting, within 100 words).

Submit works:
1) Through the Wechat group of the SD-CAA Image and Video Competition (Please scan the following QR code to join the group);
or 2) Upload through the SD-CAA's competition website.
The deadline is October 3, 2020 (Saturday)

Screening Criteria:

The theme and shooting skills will be used as the criteria for the preliminary screening. All the works passed the preliminary will be displayed on SD-CAA website for public voting.

Selection procedure:

  1. In the preliminary screening, a five-member review committee organized by the SD-CAA (members include the board directors of SD-CAA and photography specialists from local community) is responsible for classifying, sorting eligible works and placing them in SD-CAA Official website at http://www.sd4chinese.com.
  2. All San Diego residents are welcome to cast the vote online (voters are eligible to draw a lottery, and the winner will get a $20 Amazon gift card);
  3. Online awards;
  4. The compilation of works and award certificates will be displayed on the SD-CAA official website (www.sd4chinese.org).
Organizer: San Diego Chinese-American Association (SD-CAA).
比赛分为学生组和成人组。每组将选出图片文字金奖一名,奖金$100, 银奖一名,奖金$50,铜奖3名,每人$25;短视频金奖一名,奖金$100, 银奖一名,奖金$50,铜奖3名,每人$25。奖金采用Amazon gift card支付。所有获奖作品均有电子版获奖证书,存于中国人协会的网站上。
  1. 初筛,由中国人协会组织的评审委员会(成员包括中国人协会理事和来自圣地亚哥社区的摄影爱好者,共5人组成)负责将符合条件的作品分类和整理,放到中国人协会的官网上;
  2. 由圣地亚哥地区的居民在网上投票(参与投票的居民同时可以抽奖,抽中者可以获得$20 Amazon gift card);
  3. 网上颁奖;
  4. 作品汇编和获奖证书将保存在中国人协会的官网上(www.sd4chinese.org)。
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